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Flipping the Script: A 30 Day Mental Reset on Your Journey to a DOPE Life

As kids, most of us dream so big! To be astronauts, a movie star, doctors, or even the president.

In reality, it's so hard to achieve such lofty goals set by the expectations of our childhood fantasies.

When we get older, so many of those dreams fade away, and slowly we start settling for less and less because we realize how hard it is to be consistent enough to obtain real results.

Big dreams require big sacrifices, big motivation, and big discipline.

The truth is that the minute it gets hard we have a tendency to brush it off and settle for less than we envisioned.

If you are living a life that you are not satisfied with, Change Must Happen.

We are here once and should always be living the life of our dreams, whatever that may look like to you. Living that DOPE life requires work. 💪🏽😤

Here are some tips ( I’ve done myself! ) to kick off new habits, so you can start designing and living the life of your dreams!

Week 1 - Your Week of YES!

What does that mean?

Try New Things!

(TNT, like dynamite, blow-up your routine! 💥💥💥)

Maybe an exercise class like pilates, spin, or yoga! Take up dance lessons, or go on a trip, sign up for a league, anything that comes to mind, go do it!

Say yes!

Try it all! Even if, especially IF, it takes you out of your comfort zone. 🏃🏽‍♀️⛷🧘🏽‍♀️🎤🍲🤹🏽‍♀️🚣🏽‍♀️🧗🏽

You must make a point to be uncomfortable. To leave your box, you need to think outside the box. To be open to trying new things and having new experiences.

Oh, and those butterflies you feel in our stomach, like when you try something new, it's a good thing. It's the Universe's way of reminding us, we're alive.


This will open your eyes to everything you might really enjoy that you’ve been missing out on.

During my week of yes, I decided to try a new exercise class every day. I’ve always been intimidated to try new classes out of fear I would not be good enough to keep up with my peers.

Every day of that week, I decided to google a class near me. Each day, I’d try a different one that popped up on the map. I discovered so many new experiences and things I had no idea I would enjoy,

that I decided to implement two classes to my regular weekly workout schedule.

That one change brought me so much joy!

... you will continue to be open to new experiences during the remaining weeks of your 30 Day Mental Reset.

Week 2 - The Week of Self Discovery

You can’t be happy unless you know exactly what that authentically looks like to you.

This is a tough week because it’s always so hard to get to know oneself, but this is a crucial step to living a dope life.

Every morning when you wake up you must write down 10 affirmations.

These can be things you are insecure about or things you just want to keep in mind or improve on.

For me, some of my favorites are:

I am confident

I am good enough

I am a good mother

I am powerful

I am strong

I can experience happiness

Yours can be anything you want, and it can change every day. Affirmations will help you start your day on a positive note!

To end your day, you must journal.

Jot down every positive and negative event that happened during the day, anytime you were happy or sad.

You can also write about things you loved about your day, and the stuff you hated, and why.

Find someone to talk to.

It can be a therapist, a friend, or a group. Make sure to have at least three sessions this week.

At the very end of the week, I want you to write in your journal, all the things you learned that week about yourself that you didn't know.

The good and the bad. 📓

This will lead us to week 3!

...Continue your affirmations, journaling, and discussions during the remaining weeks of your 30 Day Mental Reset.

Week 3 - Flip the Script

flip the script

Definition: "reverse the usual or existing positions in a situation; do something unexpected or revolutionary"

Decide on:

3 things you want to do more of


3 things you want to stop doing

Write them down and post them on a wall where you can see them every morning when you wake up and every night when you go to sleep.

This will be another challenging step. We can all come up with a huge list, but the goal here is to start small so you can be successful, and really make changes that will last long term.

By now you should have a good idea of the things you like and don’t like based off of your first two weeks.

It does not matter how big or small these changes are,

What matters is that you are learning about yourself and making changes to your daily life so you can achieve a greater level of happiness.

Throughout this week, try your best to stick to your plan.

Find yourself an accountability partner! Someone that you can talk to and that can be honest enough to call you out on your bullshit,

if you derail from the plan. 💩

...Continue sticking to your plan during the remaining weeks of your 30 Day Mental Reset.

Week 4 - Make a Life Map 🗺📆

Sit down for a moment and close your eyes. Where would you like to be in 1 year?

5 years?

10 years from now?

Write that down...

Where will you be living?

Who will you be living with?

What car will you be driving?

What career will you be enjoying?

What income will you be making?

What places will you have been and what new experiences will you be having?

I want you to write a clear plan, almost like a business plan.

The more detailed the better.

Once you have your plan together I want you to create a vision board with pictures of this beautiful life plan you put together.

Hang that somewhere you can see every single day and, for the next 3 months, practice all the new habits you learned from your mental reset.

At the end of every quarter, assess how you are feeling. Is your plan making you happier and more fulfilled?

If so, you’re heading in the right direction to a DOPE life!

If not, no worries! You can re-write your plan and make any necessary changes you see fit.

Sometimes we think that we want something so bad, and once you get there, it's not what you wanted at all.

Changing the direction of your life is completely fine, what is not ok is staying in a place where you aren’t happy.

We all deserve an authentic, DOPE life, don’t let any limiting beliefs tell you otherwise.

A DOPE life to me, may look completely different than a DOPE life to you. Stick to the life that brings you joy, so when you wake up every morning you are excited to jump out of bed and live it!

And at night, when you go to bed, you can journal about how amazing that day was. 😊

If you have a bad moment, from things outside of your control, we all do. Don’t let that dictate how your whole day, week, or month plays out.

Stick to your plan, you got this!

Stick to the truth of who you truly are and what brings you joy, and I promise every single day will be DOPE!!!!

Our Dope Life Continues...


Social | Useful Links:

  • Check out Talita’s Book: The Journey to a Dope Life, available on Amazon!

  • Talita reads from her book about self-love REEL

  • Talita reads from her book about being resilience after a fire REEL



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